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Wearables - February - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Insights: Veri and Fitbit lead email marketing with 7 emails each, but Veri's promotional rate is only 71%. Qardio sent 4 emails, all promotional, ensuring good engagement. Apollo Neuroscience sent 6 emails but with low promotional content. Levels and OrCam also sent a few emails, showing mixed engagement. Brands like Supersapiens and Withings sent minimal emails, struggling with performance. WHOOP, Quell, and FoodMarble have no email activity, indicating they lag in email marketing efforts.

Deliverability and Spam Scores: Fitbit stands out with a spam score of -8.41, ensuring high deliverability, though the email size is large at 3,227.24 kb. Withings also shows strong deliverability with a spam score of -5.1 and a small email size. Qardio, Veri, and Apollo Neuroscience maintain decent spam scores but need to improve email sizes for better performance. OrCam has a near-zero spam score, indicating issues. Supersapiens and Levels need improvement in both spam scores and email sizes to enhance deliverability.

Advertising Strategies and Performance: WHOOP and Therabody lead with 135 and 107 ads, respectively, showing a strong market presence. Withings follows with 41 ads but lacks diverse content. Veri and OrCam have moderate ad activity but need improvement in unique copy. Quell and Apollo Neuroscience show low ad volumes, limiting their visibility. FoodMarble performs fairly with 30 ads. Brands like Levels, Supersapiens, and Fitbit have no ad activity, significantly lagging behind in advertising efforts. Increasing ad diversity is crucial for underperforming brands.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - January - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Performance: Apollo Neuroscience leads in email marketing with 8 emails sent, displaying good performance despite a poor email scoring, suggesting potential for improvement in content relevance. Levels follows with 7 emails sent, demonstrating good email performance despite a fair promotion ratio. veri secures a notable position with 4 emails sent, showcasing good email performance despite a fair promotion ratio.

Email Deliverability and Spam Scores: FoodMarble showcases exceptional email deliverability with a positive spam score and efficient email size management, underscoring its robust presence in the wearables brands industry. OrCam exhibits commendable email deliverability with a positive spam score, although it faces challenges with email size management, reflecting its notable position in the market. Qardio demonstrates strong email deliverability with a positive spam score, indicating its potential for further optimization in email size management.

Advertising Impact and Diversity: WHOOP dominates in advertising impact with 86 impactful ads, emphasizing both volume and diversity in ad content, reflecting its strong market presence in the wearables brands industry. Therabody closely follows with 63 impactful ads, showcasing a variety of unique copies and a balanced proportion of video content. Withings demonstrates solid advertising strategies with 38 impactful ads, focusing on volume and a diverse range of ad content.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - December - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview: Therabody leads the email marketing landscape with 7 well-crafted emails, maintaining a good performance ratio (49.86%), despite a high promotion rate (71%). Levels, Apollo Neuroscience, and Fitbit closely follow, exhibiting strong email marketing strategies and a balanced promotion ratio. veri showcases potential with a good number of emails and performance but requires enhancements in promotion strategies. Oura, Withings, Qardio, OrCam, Supersapiens, Quell, FoodMarble, and WHOOP need strategic improvements in both performance and promotion strategies to elevate their competitiveness in the wearables industry.

Email Deliverability Insights: FoodMarble stands out in email deliverability with a positive spam score (-1.1) but faces challenges in managing email size efficiently. OrCam demonstrates good deliverability with a positive spam score and efficient email size management. Qardio exhibits promising deliverability with a positive spam score but requires adjustments in email size. Fitbit, Apollo Neuroscience, Quell, veri, Supersapiens, Levels, and Oura face challenges in both spam scores and email size, necessitating strategic adjustments to optimize email deliverability.

Ads Performance: WHOOP leads in advertising with 64 impactful ads, showcasing both volume and diversity in ad content. Oura closely follows with 61 impactful ads, emphasizing volume and a variety of unique copies. Therabody, Withings, and OrCam exhibit a commendable mix of volume and unique copy in advertising. veri, FoodMarble, Apollo Neuroscience, Fitbit, Levels, Supersapiens, Qardio, and Quell showcase potential but require enhancements in both volume and diversity to optimize their advertising impact and competitiveness in the wearables industry.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - November - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview: The wearables industry witnessed a remarkable surge in email activity, with an average of 9.23 emails sent per brand. Therabody leads with 26 emails, showcasing a strong email strategy. Fitbit - EN and Levels follow closely, maintaining a good balance in performance. Notably, WHOOP and Withings are lagging, with no observed email activity. Qardio and Oura display potential but need to enhance their email scoring and promotional strategies for sustained success.

Email Deliverability Insights: Deliverability metrics unveil a nuanced landscape. FoodMarble excels with a substantial decrease in spam score and optimal email size. Fitbit - EN, while excelling in spam score, faces challenges with email size, potentially impacting its overall performance. OrCam and Withings demonstrate commendable deliverability, setting them as leaders. WHOOP excels in email size optimization but falls short in spam score, indicating areas for improvement.

Advertising Performance: The industry boasts an average of 46.31 ads published per brand. WHOOP and Therabody emerge as advertising giants with 172 and 136 ads, respectively, showcasing diversity in content. Quell impresses with a balanced mix of images and videos, while OrCam's exclusive use of images demands a strategic shift. Fitbit - EN and Apollo Neuroscience need to ramp up their advertising efforts to stay competitive. This summary equips the executive board with actionable insights for strategic decision-making in the dynamic wearables market.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - October - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: Qardio leads the wearables industry in email marketing, combining a moderate volume of emails with stellar scoring. FoodMarble and OrCam are also strong performers, though they need to address the promotional content in their emails. Lagging behind are brands like Fitbit and Apollo Neuroscience, which struggle with both volume and performance.

Email Deliverability Summary: FoodMarble takes the lead in email deliverability, boasting an outstanding spam score and well-optimized email size. OrCam follows closely, though they need to improve email size. Conversely, Fitbit faces challenges with deliverability, with a high spam score and suboptimal email size. Other brands like Levels and Supersapiens need significant improvements in both aspects.

Ads Performance Summary: Withings and Oura lead the wearables industry in advertising, publishing the most ads with diverse copies. OrCam also performs well in this regard. Lagging behind are brands like Fitbit and veri, requiring a significant boost in their advertising efforts.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - September - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: Qardio leads the Wearable industry in email marketing, demonstrating both quantity and quality. Quell, Apollo Neuroscience, and OrCam follow closely, displaying good practices in email sending but with room for improvement in scoring and promotions. Levels and Supersapiens exhibit potential but need enhancements, particularly in promotions. veri and Fitbit are proficient in sending emails but face challenges in scoring and promotions. Withings and FoodMarble lag behind, needing significant improvements in email sending, scoring, and promotions. Oura, Therabody, and WHOOP have not engaged in email marketing.

Email Deliverability Summary: FoodMarble excels in email deliverability, combining a strong spam score with optimal email size. OrCam and Qardio show promise but need improvements, particularly in email size. Fitbit and veri demonstrate fair performance but need attention in email size. Apollo Neuroscience, Quell, and Withings exhibit challenges in deliverability, especially in spam score and email size. Levels, Supersapiens, WHOOP, and Therabody require strategic improvements in both aspects for better deliverability.

Ads Performance Summary: Withings dominates the Wearable industry in ads performance, showcasing a high number of new ads and diverse copies. Oura closely follows, displaying both velocity and diversity. WHOOP, FoodMarble, and Therabody maintain strong ad performances, combining both velocity and unique copies. OrCam, Quell, and veri exhibit potential but need improvements, particularly in ad velocity. Apollo Neuroscience, Fitbit, and Levels struggle with both aspects and require strategic enhancements.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - May - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In May, the wearable brands of the benchmark did not send a significant number of emails. Therabody took the lead with a total of 12 emails, followed by Apollo Neuroscience with 8 emails.

When it comes to ads, Therabody emerged as the leader with 132 new ads and the highest number of ad copies used (51). WHOOP secured the second position with 81 new ads created.

In terms of ad strategy, Therabody showed a preference for videos over images, while WHOOP focused more on images. Therabody used 70 videos compared to 43 images, while WHOOP utilized 55 images and 24 videos.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - July - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In July, the highest volume of emails was sent by Therabody, totaling 10 emails, out of which 70% were promotional. OrCam closely followed with 9 emails.

In terms of advertising, Whoop took the lead with 88 new ads created. Withings secured the second position with 76 new ads and the highest count of ad copies (36).

Regarding their ad strategy, Whoop placed a priority on videos, utilizing 50 videos in contrast to 35 images. Meanwhile, Withings leaned towards images, employing 55 images compared to 21 videos.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - August - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: Qardio leads the wearables industry in email marketing with the highest email scoring and a low percentage of promotions. Apollo Neuroscience and Therabody also perform well in email marketing, achieving good email scoring. Brands like Fitbit - EN and Quell lag behind in email marketing.

Email Deliverability Summary: FoodMarble excels in email deliverability with the best average spam score and optimized email size. Qardio and Withings also perform well in email deliverability. Brands like Fitbit - EN and Therabody need to improve their email deliverability.

Ads Performance Summary: WHOOP leads in advertising with the highest number of new ads detected and a variety of unique copies. Withings and OrCam also perform well in ads. Brands like Supersapiens and Levels are lagging behind in ad performance.

Social Ads Diversity Summary: OrCam stands out in social ad diversity with a high proportion of videos. Apollo Neuroscience and Quell also perform well in this aspect. Brands like Fitbit - EN and Levels need to diversify their social ads with more videos.

In summary, Qardio leads in email marketing, while FoodMarble excels in email deliverability. WHOOP is the leader in advertising, and OrCam stands out in social ad diversity. Brands like Fitbit - EN and Supersapiens need to improve their email marketing and ad performance to compete effectively in the wearables industry.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - June - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In the month of June, Therabody and Apollo Neuroscience maintained their positions as leaders in email communications. However, there was a shift in their performance, with Apollo Neuroscience taking the lead by sending 16 emails, surpassing Therabody's 11 emails.

Turning our attention to advertising efforts, Therabody demonstrated its continued dominance by creating 139 new ads, accompanied by the highest number of ad copies (42) among all the brands in the benchmark. Meanwhile, Withings secured the second position with 77 new ads.

When it comes to their ad media strategies, both Therabody and Withings opted to prioritize videos over images. Therabody leveraged 83 videos alongside 28 images and Withings incorporated 52 videos complemented by 25 images.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - April - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In April, the wearables industry once again experienced a low number of emails. Therabody emerged as the frontrunner in terms of emails with 11, closely followed by Apollo Neuroscience with 10 emails.

Therabody continued its dominance in the advertising arena, leading with 49 new ads and the highest number of ad copies utilized this month with 22 ad copies. WHOOP secured the second position with 42 new ads.

When it comes to ad strategy, both Therabody and WHOOP leaned towards video content. Therabody showcased 44 videos alongside a minimal number of 3 images, while WHOOP utilized 25 videos and 17 images to effectively convey their message.

Read Benchmark

Wearables - March - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Despite the relatively low number of emails sent by brands in the wearables industry during the month of March, there were some notable players in the advertising side. Oura, with 97 new ads and 39 ad copies, stood out as a brand that heavily relied on videos in their advertising strategy, with 79% of their new ads being video-based. Withings, on the other hand, created 59 new ads and 30 ad copies, with a preference for using images in their ads. Only 12% of their new ads were videos. Lastly, Therabody created 53 new ads and 31 ad copies, with a staggering 98% of their ads containing videos, making them a brand that is clearly focused on video marketing.

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Related Creatives and Assets

We'll highlight here some marketing creative assets (ads or emails mostly) used by brands in the


industry, including



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Wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular in the health and fitness industry, with brands offering innovative solutions to track and improve physical and mental wellbeing. These brands may encounter some promotional difficulties while educating customers about the benefits and features of their products and appealing to customers' requirements in terms of convenience and style. Dive into the world of wearables to see how they are revolutionizing personal health monitoring and their advertising methods.